Love Bites
LOVE BITES is an extremely successful school-based Domestic and Family Violence and Sexual Assault prevention program that evolved on the Mid North Coast of NSW and spread around Australia.

LOVE BITES is designed by NAPCAN (National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect); it promotes an integrated partnership approach to prevention.
Love Bites is based on best practice standards for education programs as recommended by the Federal Government funded Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearing House and other leading academics in the area of violence against women.
The program is aimed for students in Year 9 and 10 of high school, aged between 15 and 17 years. LOVE BITES can also be delivered in out-of-school settings, such as alternative school programs, school support units, Juvenile Justice programs and youth holiday programs.
Over 100,000 high school students throughout Australia have participated in this interactive and innovative program.
Locally this program is taken into our schools both in Hervey Bay and Maryborough by Police Officers, Sexual Assault Counsellors and Domestic Violence workers.
The traditional LOVE BITES program is delivered as a full day event. Its structure consists of two very interactive education workshops on Domestic and Family Violence and Sexual Assault followed by creative workshops that consolidate the learning experience.
Male and female facilitators present the program as a team and LOVE BITES consistently models respectful relationships between male and female students, teachers and workers. The artworks and other work created in the creative sessions are the basis for local campaigns to challenge Violence against Women in their community. This campaign is led by and delivered by young people.
For further information or to book the LOVE BITES program for your school please contact us.