Protective Behaviours
Protective Behaviours refers to behaviours which enable children to recognise situations in which their personal space and sense of safety may be compromised. An example; when a child is asked to touch an adult in a way they feel uncomfortable with – a child is able to say ‘no’, move away, and tell a trusted adult in their life.

It is important that children and young people develop personal safety skills from a well-presented and well-structured personal safety program.
This program includes a youtube clip, Pantosaurus.
Protective Behaviours develops personal safety skills that can be used by children, young people and adults to keep them safe and work towards reducing violence and abuse in the community.
The program strategies can provide the basis for helping children be safe accross diferent environments. It can also help everyone learn to stay safe from the risks that surround us in everyday life. Many members of the community who work with families and children find training in Protective Behaviours a valuable resource.
The program focus is on everyone Feeling safe, Being Safe and Talking about it.
The program is based on two themes:
We all have the right to feel safe all of the time.
Nothing is so awful that we can’t talk about it with someone.
In conjunction with the two themes are the three major concepts of the program:
SAFETY – an individual feeling and a basic right for every person
EARLY WARNING SIGNS – specific physical indicators that alert us to possible risks to our safety
NETWORKING – identifying people to talk to and developing communication skills
For further information on Protective Behaviours, please contact us.